0 Untuk Analisis Kualitas Web Pembelajaran 17-21 Dafid1, Dien Novita2 1,2 STMIK GI MDP Komparasi Metode Evaluasi Pada Credit Scoring Data Mining 22-25 Hermawan1, Yoannita2 1,2 STMIK GI MDP Rancang Bangun Sistem Administrasi Sekolah Berbasis JaringanKetua STMIK Muhammadiyah Paguyangan Brebes Beri Selamat Ulang Tahun SEVIMA ke-19 SEVIMA Sentra Vidya Utama (Sevima) adalah Komunitas Pendidikan Tinggi yang berdiri sejak tahun 2. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Daftar. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Ijazah SMA/SMK/MA Sederajat 2. Serta Strata – 1 dan Koversi. Email. stmik pringsewu 2023. Akreditasi: B. 1-1. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Sentra Vidya Utama. Telah banyak perpustakaan. Terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa aktif STMIK Pringsewu; (Klik Di sini) Capres dan Cawapres S1 minimal semester 3-6 atau D3 semester 3-4; Mampu secara rohani dan jasmani. 1 di Indonesia, terus berkomitmen. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. WebThe journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Dilengkapi integrasi dengan Sevima SiAkad. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. STMIK Pringsewu JTKSI (Jurnal. 0 sebanyak 70 persen pegawai di Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu (UAP) didominasi oleh generasi minelial. Berdiri sejak dua dekade silam, SEVIMA telah berkontribusi dengan lebih dari 800. 1411 Accred : Sinta 4. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. 0729-22240 E. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK Pringsewu) Jl. Mulai Transformasi Digital Kampus Anda Bersama SEVIMA. PT Sentra Vidya Utama (SEVIMA) adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Teknologi Pendidikan (EdTech) . STMIK Pringsewu JTKSI (Jurnal Teknologi Komputer dan Sistem Informasi) Vol 6, No 1 (2023): JTKSI (Jurnal Teknologi Komputer dan Sistem Informasi) 58-65. Survei APJII Dan LPI Tahun 2016 Tentang Jumlah Data Pengguna Internet. lppm@stmikpringsewu. Lupa password. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Siakad online ini dapat memudahkan kegiatan atau manajemen akademik terintegrasi di perguruan tinggi, seperti pengisian KRS, KHS, Nilai, Transkrip, tugas akhir, yudisium sampai kelulusan. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. 2 years experience in the same field Familiar using Linux Server (webserver, database server) Understand scripting on Linux Understand the use of cloud computing services (AWS, GCP, Alibaba Cloud) Understand docker, kubernetes, CI/CD Able to design the right architecture as needed Drop. 5. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Lppm stmik pringsewu Link terkait: stmik pringsewu portal jurnal; e-comerce; e-learning; repository; siakad penelitian. Bertempat di Kampus Gadingrejo, STIT Pringsewu mengadakan yudisium bagi lulusan tahun 2017, Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Hartati. Anda alumni yang belum punya akun?. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Sistem Informasi Akademik terlengkap dengan fleksibiltas role dan kedalaman fitur yang canggih. Not a user? Register with this site. WebThe journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. , M. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Institut Bakti Nusantara Mengenal SEVIMA. STAI Ma`arif Kalirejo. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Cari Data . Fauzi. 1421 Accred : Sinta 4. 004 dengan komunitas yang tersebar di lebih dari 1. 2023 DOI: 10. Semoga dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. sistem informasi penjualan makanan hasil olahan kedelai di wilayah gadingrejo kab pringsewu berbasis web oleh: andoyo, andreas terbitan: (2017) Sistem Informasi Penerimaan dan Test Peserta Didik Baru Berbasis Web Pada SMK Negeri 1 Negerikaton oleh: Suprapto, Bambang, et al. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. WebPendaftaran Melalui PMB STMIK Pringsewu. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. 1 Menit. STMIK PRINGSEWU Sucipto1, Deni Kurniawan Wibisono2 1,2Depaetement of Information System, STMIK Pringsewu, Lampung 1,2The Way of Wisma Rini Number 09 Pringsewu, Lampung, Indonesia *Corresponding author [email protected] journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Nama Lengkap. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. STMIK Pringsewu Terakreditasi B. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Keywords Android, E-Archive, LPPM STMIK Pringsewu, waterfall Content Based Image Retrieval Corporate Social Responsibility, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, bibit pertanian. Sujadi Saddad, Rabu (26/7) melepas keberangkatan 333 mahasiswa STMIK dan STIT Pringsewu yang akan melaksanakan kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) di 33 pekon pada 8 kecamatan di kabupaten setempat. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Ayo buruan daftar, kesempatan dan kuota terbatas hanya sampai 20 Mei 2022. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Untuk itu, di eBook ini kami akan mengupas habis bagaimana roadmap penerapan model pembelajaran blended learning mulai dari perencanaan hingga evaluasi secara lengkap. Model yang dipilih dalam analisis tata kelola teknologi informasi adalah model COBIT 2019. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Oleh karena itu, setelah YAPASIM berdiri tidak berapa lama sesudah itu pendiri mengajukan izin kepada Direktur Jenderal. SEVIMA. Pembayaran perkuliahan dengan SEVIMAPay benar-benar sangat memudahkan Anda dalam melakukan pembayaran perkuliahan. 2. Kini jarak bukan hambatan lakukan perkuliahan tatap muka secara daring dengan konferensi video. LPPM STMIK Pringsewu Jurnal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) Vol 14, No 1 (2023): Jurnal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) Preview Issue. 2 Menyerahkan Berkas . The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Lihat profil Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Pringsewu beserta daftar fakultas, jurusan kuliah, info beasiswa, akreditasi dan jalur pendaftaran SWASTA status PTS. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. d Juli 2020. Terbatas: Terbatas: Terbatas - Manajamen Kelas Perkuliahan, Jadwal Perkuliahan & Dosen Pengajar - Manajemen Jurnal Mengajar, RPS & Utilitas Ruang KuliahThe journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. 2. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. UsernameThe journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. WebThe journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. STMIK Pringsewu. 2023 DOI: 10. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. COM – PT Sentra Vidya Utama (SEVIMA) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Teknologi Pendidikan ( EdTech ). v6i1. 09 Pringsewu website: E-mail :. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Menghadapi era revolusi industri 4. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. 004 dengan anggota yang tersebar di lebih dari 2. Login. Informasi lengkap di Kampus A : Jl. Sejarah Kabupaten Pringsewu diawali dengan berdirinya sebuah perkampungan ( tiuh) bernama Margakaya pada tahun 1738 Masehi, yang dihuni masyarakat asli suku Lampung-Pubian yang berada di tepi aliran sungai Way Tebu (4. Terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa aktif STMIK Pringsewu; (Klik Di sini) Capres dan Cawapres S1 minimal semester 3-6 atau D3 semester 3-4; Mampu secara rohani dan jasmani untuk melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban sebagai Presiden Mahasiswa dan Wakil Presiden Mahasiswa; Belum pernah menjabat sebagai Presiden atau Wakil Presiden Mahasiswa selama 2 (dua. oleh Erna SEVIMA. . v6i1. Jl. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Pringsewu: Kode Pos: 35373: Telepon: 0729-22240: Faximile: 0729-22240: Email:. Mengenal Aplikasi Pembayaran SEVIMA Pay. WebThe journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. 56327/jtksi. 2017. Masukkan data login Anda dan mulailah perjalanan belajar bersama kami. 1 di Indonesia, terus berkomitmen menghadirkan. Adanya program beasiswa batch 5 ini, juga menandakan bahwa genap 5 tahun sudah SEVIMA turut andil dalam memajukan. Welcome! E-Voting PRESMA & WAPRESMA STMIK Pringsewu Silahkan Login untuk melanjutkan Login LoginProgram Sarjana (S1): S1 Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (Gelar S. 2. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Password. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Pendaftaran beasiswa di tahun ini akan kembali dibuka pada hari ini (03/03/2023). The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Institut Bakti Nusantara (IBN) Lampung Merupakan Penggabungan STIE Lampung Timur dengan STMIK PringsewuPRINGSEWU – Mahasiswa STMIK Pringsewu tampil di seminar internasional The 1st Global Conference on Digital Technology and Information Systems (GCoDTIS) 2021. LPPM STMIK Pringsewu Jurnal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) Vol 14, No 1 (2023): Jurnal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) Preview Issue . Namun, nyatanya penerapan blended learning tidak semudah yang kita bayangkan. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Sangat sedikit industri IT yang berada di Jayapura membuat kesulitan untuk menyiapkan tempat magang dan juga sulit mendapatkan dosen praktisi bagi. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. LAPORAN KULIAH KERJA PRAKTEK (KKP) SISTEMATIKA DAN PROSES KERJA KOMPUTER DI DINAS KEPENDUDUKAN DAN PENCATATAN SIPIL KABUPATEN PRINGSEWU Disusun Sebagai Salah Satu Syarat Untuk Menyelesaikan Program Pendidikan Diploma Satu (D1) Manajemen Informatika Disusun Oleh : HERU PURNOMO 10201210 TATANG SURYANA 10200710 DWI INDRA SAPUTRA 10203610 LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN DAN PELATIHAN (LLP) STARTECH COMPUTER. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Daftar Sebelum. Penasaran? yuk download, dan jadi dosen pertama yang menerapkan blended learning di kampus Anda. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Sampai dengan tahun ini telah banyak dilakukan upaya-upaya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan perpustakaan terutama penambahan. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. We are the right mixture of the best business analyst. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Universitas Adalas. Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah. WebThe journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. PT Sentra Vidya Utama (SEVIMA) adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Teknologi Pendidikan (EdTech) dan pionir sistem informasi akademik (SIAKAD) No. . Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. 56327/jurnaltam. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Perubahan Server. Ketua STMIK Umel Mandiri Abd. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. WebThe journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Sampai dengan tahun ini telah banyak dilakukan upaya-upaya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan perpustakaan terutama penambahan buku-buku referensi penunjang mata kuliah. 09 Pringsewu Telp (0813-790-1965) dan. two sepa rate buildi ngs are quite difficult to fint out about the lecture schedule, because t he . Sistem Aplikasi Educhat Stmik Pringsewu Berbasis Android Sebagai Media Komunikasi Dan Informasi. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Dengan menggunakan SEVIMAPay ini Anda tak perlu ragu lagi kesulitan lagi melakukan transaksi perkuliahan. Sementara itu, untuk Beasiswa Fauzi di STMIK Pringsewu yakni untuk program Diploma III baik kelas Reguler Maupun Karyawan. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Perguruan Tinggi ini telah lahir sedari tahun 28 April 1994 dengan Nomor SK PT 41DO2008 dan Tanggal SK PT 17 Maret 2008 , Sekolah Tinggi ini beralamat di Jl. Pendirian YAPASIM ini ditujukan untuk menjadi lembaga pengelola pendidikan tinggi. We are the right mixture of the best business analyst and technology specialist, Internationally certified and we. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik kuisioner. dan. 33 Wonodadi, Gading Rejo 35372, Telp (62-729) 7330811, Mailbox : bps1810@bps. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Lupa password. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. STMIK Pringsewu JTKSI (Jurnal Teknologi Komputer dan Sistem Informasi) Vol 6, No 1 (2023): JTKSI (Jurnal Teknologi Komputer dan Sistem Informasi) 102-106. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. 1,2STMIK Pringsewu Metode WebQual 4. STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, 6-7 Februari 2016 ISSN : 2302-3805 4. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. 000 kampus se-Indonesia. Rachman Dayat, S. PMB Online Inovasi Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru Tanpa Ribet. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Next. Sistem Aplikasi EDUCHAT STMIK PRINGSEWU Berbasis ANDROID Sebagai Media Komunikasi dan Informasi May 2017 Jurnal Nasional Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi 3(1):143Pada hari Jum’at, 8 Desember 2023 telah dilaksanakan penandatanganan perjanjian kerjasama dalam penyelenggaraan dan pengawasan pemilu dan Pilkada tahun 2024. Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai pengajar atau tutor di Lembaga Kursus dan Praktik Global Komputer Pringsewu yang memiliki tugas memberikan materi kepada siswa siswi magang/praktik kerja industri dari SMK, yng berupa teori maupun praktik, materi yang di kuasai seperti Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan, Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PPT),. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. Wisuda ketiga tahun 2017 ini bersama dengan lulusan STMIK Pringsewu, di bawah naungan Yayasan Pendidikan Startech. The journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. 0729-22240 F. STMIK Pringsewu JTKSI (Jurnal Teknologi Komputer dan Sistem Informasi) Vol 6, No 1 (2023): JTKSI (Jurnal Teknologi Komputer dan Sistem Informasi) 58-65. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:. Text Case “14100162” NAMA = “ABIKURNIAWAN” JURUSAN = “Sistem Informasi” Adiluwih (085273086414). WebThe journal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) pISSN : 2339-1103; eISSN :2579-4221; is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by STMIK Pringsewu Lampung. 56327/jurnaltam. Receives articles in technology information and this Journal publishes research articles, literature review articles, case reports and concept or policy articles, in all areas such as:.